Friday, November 14, 2014

Depression overeating: The secret to winning the battle

“I am overeating with heavy depression”, this is the latest email that we received from a woman who is battling a very depressed mood. It is crucial to understand how food works in connection to our mental health, what we eat can literally affect how our body and mind works. It is clear that depression is increasing worldwide, and overeating is creating a vicious cycle. The brain has a very tricky relationship when it comes to our food.


Depressed mood and foods


When a person is depressed the body usually responses by triggering a response to eat, this is actually a good thing at first. The brain’s call to eat (particularly fatty and sugary) food is because foods release “feel good hormones”, these hormones are released in order to stop a depressed mood. Eating is a pleasure and the brain hormones which are released calm and soothe our emotions, it is no wonder that women are known to crave chocolate when feeling depressed. The fact that foods make us feel emotionally better is why depression and overeating are linked, the unfortunate thing is that this creates a vicious cycle of needing to eat to fell better.


Will power does not stop appetite, no matter how hard you try to eat less you will actually end up eating more. The brain is a very powerful organ and the hormones which are released to improve the mood are highly desirable to the body, forget will power to stop eating. Depression is often related to hormone imbalances and this is why food is such an important part of healing the emotional imbalance.  


The good news


The way to win the battle over depression overeating is to use a diet which allows you to eat and deactivate the brain triggers for food at the same time. This is what has worked for thousands of people; you eat, enjoy and stop the brain from craving more foods.



Monday, November 3, 2014

Treating depression in 2 ways

When it comes to treating depression it is best to use more than one approach, sadly, too many are stopping their treatment at medications. There has been a tremendous rise in the number of people who are now medically labeled as clinically depressed in the United States and much of Europe, according to the NHS (England) the rates of those suffering from a depressed mental condition has increased more than 25% over the last 10 years. Treating depression should be approached from more than one angle.



The millions on antidepressants


There are literally more than 10 million people on antidepressants in the United States, the pills have done wonderful things for so many people, and there are some who could not function without their medication. Antidepressants are truly beneficial in so many ways, but it most also be stated that the pills do come with undesirable side effects. It is best to treat a depressed mood with more than one approach, what we mean by this is that there should be a self therapy to go along with medications. Treating depression with medications can be of great help but the pills do not address the underlying cause of depression in so many.


Most people who are clinically depressed can trace the condition to emotional issues, this may not hold true for all cases but it is clear that life experiences particularly from childhood can set the stage for a lifetime of depression. The use of self therapy will address the root causes of depression and go to areas that drugs cannot reach.


There is a new technique that has been helping many people in an amazing way. It is a new approach which has been having great success with depression thoughts, it involves no doctors, and no therapy, actually the depressed person heals alone. You are filled back up, replacing what is missing and what is causing the depression. You heal yourself alone and this depression self help is very effective, it is an inside-out treatment that has been helping teens and adults in over 10 countries. The self therapy report may be read immediately here.










Friday, May 31, 2013

I feel suicidal: What can help women

I feel suicidal: Recent studies show that there has been an incredible rise in the numbers of women who are suffering from clinical depression, many of these women report recurring ruminating thoughts of suicide. According to the Center of Disease Control the past decade has seen a very large jump in the numbers of women who report “feeling” suicidal. There are many theories advanced to explain the rise in the suicide numbers, the economy is cited as a major cause of the increase but this may not be an accurate measure of why the numbers are rising.

Women and Depression

"Suicide is a tragedy that is far too common," Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the CDC  "This report highlights the need to expand our knowledge of risk factors so we can build on prevention programs that prevent suicide. The fact that women had the largest increases in suicide was one of the more starling statistics from the CDC, as men have traditionally had higher numbers of suicides than women.

"The suicide rate for women rose more than 31 percent over the last 10 years, these are very depressing numbers but the situation may be worst, Julie Phillips, an associate professor of sociology at Rutgers University stated

The statistics are "vastly under-reported." "We know we're not counting all suicides," she said.

Research says the cause of the rise cannot be attributed to the economy

According to Center of Disease Control the States with the lowest unemployment and highest income per capita had the highest numbers of suicide, for example, in the state of North Dakota which has an extremely low unemployment rate their was an unbelievable increase in the numbers of people taking their own life (70%). The The Journal of Men's Health & Gender found that unemployment and income was a factor in male suicide but not female. Unemployment or finances was cited as “extremely” when one speaks of the reasons for suicides in women.

We have studies depression in men and women for many years and the “Go beyond Antidepressant” report to stop depression is now in over 10 countries, and helping to dave lives.

I feel suicidal

The suicidal person is empty and needs to fill back up, the deep depression is a form of emptiness and the void must be filled. Researchers in Europe have been helping people reverse depression drug free, fill back up” and heal inside, this is depression healing that goes beyond medications, it is read in over 10 countries

SEE HERE Depresion without medication

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Feeling depressed? How this doubles the risk of a stroke

There has been an increase in clinical depression worldwide, if you are feeling depressed from this extremely debilitating illness it is important to know that depression effects the heart greatly. A new study from Australia has revealed that people who are medicated for depression double the risk of having a stroke, this is a very dangerous situation seeing that more that 18 million in the United States are on antidepressants.

How does depression increase the risk of stroke?

Doctors were very alarmed when after adjusting for factors like smoking,diet and body weight they concluded that people who were suffering from clinical depression were suffering from stroke at almost twice the rate in comparison to people who were not living with the disease. A stroke is actually bleeding from the brain, a stroke is a condition in which the brain cells suddenly die because of a lack of oxygen. This can be caused by an obstruction in the blood flow, or the rupture of an artery that feeds the brain. The patient may suddenly lose the ability to speak, there may be memory problems, or one side of the body can become paralyzed. Many people who are feeling depressed for long periods of time may be prescribed antidepressants and the pills have been linked to increase risk of  stroke.

The antidepressant stroke link

The Australian study highlighted a very important fact that  antidepressants usage is linked to brain bleeding which may contribute to a stroke. A study in Neurology showed that selective serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may lead to bleeding in the brain that may cause a stroke. SSRI antidepressants were 50 percent more likely to cause bleeding as opposed to those not taking antidepressants and a 40 percent elevated risk for having a bleeding within the brain compared to those not taking the medications. There are millions of people who are feeling depressed and rely very much on their medications, we do not recommend stopping the drugs without speaking to your doctor. Regardless of  if you continue on medications or not it is important to go beyond drugs to take control of depression, do not end your healing with a pill, we have shown people in over 10 countries that they can go beyond medications to treat depression on their own in private. This has worked in thousands in 10 countries 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Feeling suicidal: What should I do

The numbers of people who admit to feeling suicidal are increasing at an alarming rate, suicide is on the rise and officials admit that the crisis does not seem to have an end in sight. In the United States The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently found the suicide rate for people aged 35 to 64 jumped by an amazing 30% in a decade, a troubling development by any measure. This means more Americans now die of suicide than of car accidents. Those who admit to feeling suicidal must realize that it is extremely important to get help.

The cause not just financial

The first cause stated for rising suicide number is the economy, as increasing numbers of people lose employment and experience poverty some contemplate ending their lives. What is alarming researchers is the fact that those who have seen the largest increases in suicide numbers have been middle class/middle age people who did not have financial difficulties. For example, in the state of North Dakota which has an extremely low unemployment rate their was an unbelievable increase in the numbers of people taking their own life (70%). This is a tremendous jump in the amount of people who took their lives in that State.

5 of the top States which saw suicide increases had a healthy economy. The issue is not only about money, we have to come to the realization that large numbers of people are simply not happy, they are depressed and stressed.


We can state clearly on this site as we have done for the past 4 years that depression and the overwhelming stresses of life are the main causes of suicide. When you reach the point of giving up and there does not seem to be a way out the best option may seem to end it all but it is not the right solution, the suicidal person is tired and wants the pain(stresses) to finally stop.

The term “Feeling suicidal” is actual a dark and deep depression that does not seem to move. Taking one's life is seen as a the best solution when the rivers of stresses take over your thoughts.

Important: If this is a suicide emergency please call 911, someone will help you.

How to fill back up the emptiness
The suicidal person is empty and needs to fill back up, the deep depression is a form of emptiness and the void must be filled. Researchers in Europe have been helping people reverse depression drug free, fill back up” and heal inside, this is depression healing that goes beyond medications, it is read in over 10 countries 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

How Depression causes Overeating

Depression and overeating go together and science has shown us why via brain imaging, there are over 20 million people in the United states who live clinically depressed and this will have a very large impact on your diet. How much you eat is directly related to your emotional well being, with this information from researchers it is clear that willpower is a failed strategy for many people. Depression actually can cause overeating and this is something that is not controlled by will power. If you are depressed and blaming yourself for lack of control, don't, because will power does not stop the kind of overeating.

Why you eat more when depressed

Brain imaging is giving us a wonderful insight into how the human body works, we must understand that the body is holistic, the brain is involved in every bodily function that occurs, when it comes to appetite the brain is in control of how much we eat. Researchers at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CR-CHUM) and the university's Faculty of Medicine have discovered that how much we eat is directly related to our mental health, those who are depressed may be “forced” to eat more(by the brain). The brain does this so as to release feel good hormones to stop the depression. The problem is when the food “high” wears off you are depressed again.

"In addition to causing obesity, rich foods can actually cause chemical reactions in the brain in a similar way to illicit drugs, ultimately leading to depression as the 'come-downs' take their toll," explain lead researcher, Dr. Stephanie Fulton.

Basically the brain releases “feel good” hormones when you eat say “Cake or Ice Cream”, in fact fatty foods help bring your mood up if you are depressed, the problem is you create a cycle of Depressed---Fatty food---Happy----Depressed again

This eating cycle is what so many depressed people find themselves on. Depression causes overeating because the brain creates a craving for fatty foods to boost your mood, the downside is that this can lead to obesity,diabetes and other health problems.

How to break the cycle? See here Stop Depression overeating Diet

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Abused and Suicidal: The Cry of a New Generation

Abused and suicidal, this is the situation that so many people find themselves in, the numbers of people who are suffering from Post traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) due to an abuse is astronomical, researchers show that abuses are one of the major factors in developing future clinical depression. Sadly, for those who have suffered abuses being abused and suicidal go hand and hand.

The far reaching effects of abuse

The abuses from childhood carry into adulthood often manifesting itself as clinical depression, anger and even suicide thought, many are never the same again. The numbers of people suffering maltreatment are increasing according to health records.

According to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services statistics for 2006, approximately 905,000 U.S. children were found to have been maltreated that year, with 16% of them reported as physically abused (the remainder having suffered sexual abuse or neglect.

In other studies, it's been noted that approximately 14-43% of children have experienced at least one traumatic abusive event prior to adulthood.

Those who are abused and suicidal must understand that the brain has been changed from the PTSD,this can manifest itself as mental illness in adults

Researchers at a major University found that Post traumatic stress from abuses changed the brain's white matter, this is extremely alarming when we think of a young child’s growing brain, these changes can lead to various mental disorders

"We found that adolescents with maltreatment history who had disrupted white matter tracts during the initial recruitment were more likely to develop depressive and addictive disorders," said Huang of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre's Advanced Imaging Research Centre.

We can see how the abused can easily end up as suicidal adults, all child abuses must be met with the stronger punishment of the law, it is on par with murder due to the lifetime effects on the young brain. We repeat the abuser should be treated as a murder under the law with a similar sentencing.

Go Beyond Pills and take back you  Read in 10 countries  Click HERE  Help Depression